Policy objectives

Our institution is a secondary school which offers vocational training studies belonging to short cycle programme, and allowes high school students to continue their education improving it and their preparation for the workplace. Furthermore, in order to facilitate continuous learning and for those students who want to combine work and study, a distance learning is also provided by our institution.
Nowadays, international projects are aimed by every institution so as at educational field: educational administration, parents, teachers and students see the need of maintaining relations with other centers, schools and especially those who are part of EU. In vocational training studies this demand generates relations with other European schools, but also with companies where our students can develop their required traineeship to achieve the title.
The Erasmus program provides an opportunity for training students to internationalize their education and for vocational training teachers and administrative staff to modernize their work.
Our objectives are:
•To prevent students ́ dropout and to make them aware that studying is the basis for adaptation to any changes that may occur in the workplace, especially our disabled students and those who combine work and studies.
•To promote entrepreneurial attitude in our students, for achieving this objective they must know the business reality of other EU countries.
•To cooperate with EU companies in order to assess whether the vocational training education provided by our school enables our students to work in accordance with the requirements of international markets.
•To modernize the skills of our teachers in order to give our students a quality education as Europe Union needs professionals able to face new challenges.
•To introduce new teaching and learning methods that are success stories in other EU countries.
•To improve our school administrative procedures related to our participation in the Erasmus program.
•To link up with other HEI or firms so that our educational community accepts the presence of students and teachers from other EU countries as being common and not exceptional.
•To properly allocate funding from the Erasmus program and seek additional contributions to allow financially support for our students and staff
•To use ICT to enhance communication between HEIs and enhance cross-border cooperation.